читать дальше50. Reaper
49. Office
48. The Mentalist.
47. Desperate Housewives
46. Californication
45. Family Guy
44. How I Met Your Mother
43. Jericho
42. Dead Like Me
41. Damages
40. Weeds
39. Sex and the City
38. Chuck
37. Pushing Daisies
36. The Colbert Report
35. Dollhouse
34. Nip/Tuck
33. Scrubs
32. Friday Night Lights
31. Bones
30. Heroes
29. Law & Order
28. Gossip Girl
27. Flight of the Conchords
26. Breaking Bad
25. ER
24. True Blood
23. House
22. CSI
21. 30d Rock
20. Entourage
19. Brotherhood
18. John Adams
17. Six Feet Under
16. Deadwood
15. Dexter
14. Mad Man
13. Arrested Development
12. Generation Kill
11. Supernatural
10. Curb Your Enthusiasm
9. The Shield
8. South Park
7. Lost
6. Simpsons
5. The West Wing
4. 24
3. The Sopranos
2. BSG
1. The Wire
Блджад, ну почему, почему какой-то гхыров Лост в десятке, а Клиника - где-то в самой попе?!